Mobile Marketing — Facts and Practices

2 min readMar 16, 2021

Mobiles have become our second self and first companion. Mobile marketing is the way forward to reach a specific audience.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing refers to applying your marketing strategy to befit mobile users. This will help them with personalized, time and location sensitive information that customers can use on the go. As most users spent at least 70% of their time on mobiles and tablets, it is essential to customize the ads to fit apps and devices.

Types of Mobile marketing strategies

While there are a variety of strategies, choose the one that fits your business based on the industry, audience and budget.

App-based — 80% of the audience spend mobile time on apps and it is wise to have app based ads to promote your business. Without having to create an app to engage, Google AdMob and Promoted Post ads by Facebook help you to advertise within third-party mobile apps.

In-game — These are mobile ads that appear within mobile games as banner pop-ups, full image ads or as video ads.

Location basedMobile ads that appear based on the user location in connection with specific business or requirement of the user helps in targeted marketing.

Mobile search/image ads — Basic Google search ads that feature add-on extensions like click-to-call etc.

SMS — This is the conventional mode of sending text ad messages to user mobile numbers.

You may also take advantage of Google’s mobile ad extensions such as

Mobile site links — These links allow users to jump to specific pages of your site than wandering around making it very comfortable for mobile users.

Click-to-call Extension — Including a call button right beneath the ad allows the user to instantly call the business for further action. While it is the best channel for conversion, make sure that the call icon is enabled when your business is open and active.

Click to download Ad — This is similar to the click-to-call just that instead of calling the business this will download the selected ad to the user’s mobile.

Best Practices of Mobile Marketing

Clear & Concise — Mobile screens are small, so words have less space. Avoid clutter, keep it simple and crisp.

Local Optimization — Mobile searches are widely for immediate needs, so optimize for local searches to meet user’s queries.

Audience Centric — Design and strategize ads specific to the audience to intend to influence. For young, tech savvy, Mobile Facebook promoted ads may work the trick

Benchmark the Outcome — Experimenting is good only if you are tracking the results. Align your strategies to meet the needs of the users.

